Racer / Entrant / Participant Waiver

All participants acknowledge and accept the following terms and conditions of participation in the registered event.

I, the named participant (registrant) and on behalf of anyone I register through my online account on their behalf (referred to as ‘my others’), in consideration of and as a condition of acceptance of my / their entry in the footrace / cycle race / triathlon / mixed discipline or other as described event for myself, my others, my heirs, executors and administrators hereby waive any claim, right of claim, cause of any action which I or they might have arising out of loss of my life or injury, damage or loss of any description whatsoever which I or my others may suffer or sustain in the course or consequent upon my or my others’ entry or participation in the event.

I know that participating in such an event is a potentially hazardous activity. I and my others assume all risks associated with participating in this event, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, traffic and the conditions of the road / sea / water / trail or other course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me and my others.

This waiver, release and discharge shall be and operate separately in favour of all persons, corporations and bodies involved with or otherwise engaged in promoting or staging the event and the servants, agents, representatives and officers of any of them.

I and my others attest that I am / we are physically fit and medically able to complete part or the entirety of the course without jeopardizing my / our health or life and consent to receive medical treatment that may be advisable in the event of illness or injuries suffered by me / my others during this event.

I and my others give free permission for the free use of our names, voices or pictures in any broadcast, telecast, advertising promotion or other account of this event.

I and my others understand that no liability of any kind will attach to any person, corporation or body involved in connection with the event in case of cancellation or postponement.

I and my others satisfy all entry requirements as set out.

I and my others agree to abide by the conditions of the event as stated in the declaration above and upon literature and other material distributed in connection with the event. I understand by registering myself and or my others for any event I fully accept these Terms & Conditions and these Terms and Conditions are subject to change without prior notice.

The event organiser reserves the right to reject any entry, and further reserves the right to change the details of the above referenced event without prior notice.

I confirm I have medical insurance / coverage to participate in a race and am covered for the participation whilst in the UAE. I understand any medical treatment in the UAE may incur a charge and I, the participant, have the necessary insurance/coverage for this.